But as long as others are allowed to say what they hate about facebook posts, let me say those that I dislike the most are the descriptions below....
So you are reading along and there are the "this is what I had for dinner", and "gosh I had a bad day at work" and those annoying "I Love My LIFE people" LOL, and then you come across those who never really say anything, they are just reposting the stuff someone else said, or the pictures that you have seen on your wall 63 times today, or those copy and pastes---yuk.
I share some, that really move me, the pics that say something I have never heard quiet like that before---but i try to limit it to just a few now and then. Because I would rather hear the real stuff, from you! But when I do share those everyone has shared, it is usually something like this...

...and I usually follow it with some of my own love for the sharing...
WOW---love this! What are you working for? How are you expressing yourself? Who notices your presence, but would miss you in your absence more.
But after the fourth or fifth on your wall, and the 6th or 7th on 30 or 40 of the 1,000 friends that I have, I might start just passing by. I guess thats ok, there are no rules that says I have to read all the stuff on my wall. Heck you can skip by all mine if you want to.
And then there are those who share not one, but 17 songs...Ummm, I got iTunes, so if its not an oldy I haven't heard in awhile or something new with a great message, or those independent new artists that songs are so special and original and amazing, I probably wont listen but athanks for sharing the first two. I want to find those that I know that I may never hear them on major radio play, but that does not mean they are not pure greatness. But while you are still thinking about the music thing, take a listen to my friend Tiffany Carlen Hurd, she is just one of those independent musicians/singers who are making great music with her own creative flair and amazing talent...Love this song!
And then there are those who seem hell bent on posting every tear jerking, i got my heart broken again whah whah whah, until I'm ready to throw up...well not really I just don't listen to them anymore. Im actually starting to really think the unsubscribe button might be pure genius.
But my biggest pet peeve of all are those that are about some "crisis" that you are not really wanting to talk about. So can I ask why you posted it on facebook? Or when I ask "whats wrong, you say well I'm not telling everyone about it"...umm yeah you kinda are, well just a tease of it anyway!! So if there are just 4 or 5 that you want to have all the details, then why not just send a private message to those 4 or 5? Why not create a group where you can have PRIVATE bitch seesions, where the only poeole who are privy to the posts are the ones in the group?--(note-thats what I have done).
The boyfriend of the week drama, gosh I love him, my life is complete, I can't believe he's not calling me back, what's wrong with me, I thought we were in love and we were together 72 of the most wonderful hours of my life.
I just deleted my latest, "I don't know how we became friends" from facebook the other day and her posts were angry, mean and all about how wonderful she was at getting even...um yeah remind me never to make her mad...no serioulsy. Sometimes the posts are borderline illegal...shocking to say the least.
Now I guess at this time, it would be good to add in a disclaimer. I do not, I repeat DO NOT want everyone to post exactly like me. Im already in my head...and believe me, one of me running around in there is enough. But hearing what you have to say in your own voice, with your own truth and from your own real life experience...well thats just amazing. I can learn so much if you are being real, we can share humor, insight or just goofy fun...but if it's not you, then we aren't really connecting much...not that we have to.
I've heard the comments, sometimes directed at me and sometimes said indirectly directional in hopes that I would get it. But heres the thing, I no more expect you to follow my guidelines than you should expect me to change for you. The most amazing thing about humans besides how much we are all alike, is how we are all different. Confused yet? I learn daily from those who have cared enough to share their wisdom, I laugh often by those who have found their humor. Likewise I am comforted daily by those who drip with compassion. But my favorite of all are those who encourage, so naturally that it feels as if they are my own little cheerleading squad. I lived the life that was about secrets, don't piss anyone off veil and pretend like everyone and everything is ok...ummm it's not. You are as sick as you are secret.
So when Facebook was originated, it was set up to give busy college students a way to be connected. It began I think to share information, and if you watched the movie, it was about the 72 or fewer hour relationships status sharing. But some are missing it for the great tool that it is.
So here is what I think...If you take all the ways that humans have communicated since we learned to grunt...one of the most constant parts of our sharing is learning,humor and sharing of troubles. The looking for the answers kind of sharing. If I share with you something that I have learned, you have the option to get the lesson too, without ever having to face the sitution. Multitasking at its best. I just learned it for all of us, mark if off your to do list. Or you can at least have the information abou the lesson when you set off to try it yourself. We learn to share those things we know people want to hear. So if the majority of the people are responding to drama, they may be recovering soap opera addicts. If the number of posts increases because you found a great "wisdom" pic to share, you are probably gathering frieds that are on a path of self discovery and life success. If you are getting the most comments after the 63rd breakup of that incidental relationship that was really just three dates, those folks are probably just glad its you and not them.
I went to the store. I just got home. I bought laundry detergent. I fed the dog. I washed my face...ugh, ugh, ugh....but I discovered something amazing today...life is what I make it. Friends are the gift that keeps on giving. I love when someone believes in me more than I do myself, Dr. Suess said this, and I remember my grandmother used to say that...now that is the essence of what makes facebook great. If you are of the other side, I'm ok with kinda reading what you post...wish you would lose the fear and tell me what you really think, but then again, just remember "NO, this blog is NOT about YOU!!
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