I can't even begin to understand the fear. It's over the top, irrational and big brother fobia at it's best. Those who were born in my generation or even the few before are resisting the Social Media movement as if it were leading them to slaughter.
I only want to tell you about all the wonderful connections that have been added to my life through the internet. The relationships that blessed my reality that would have probably never happened had I sat with my twiddling thumbs and saying but I don't understand how it works.
I have witnessed facebook bashings where people were lecturing someone in their friends list becuase they had asked a question about breastfeeding....now here is where the it's none of my business line was crossed.---see Facebook Posts below.
Saturday 12/31/2011 posted ON my WALL---ie belongs to me and I can write whatever I want!!
A wonderful discussion brought up earlier from one new mother to all those "old" moms on HER wall~~was thought to be out of place and offensive to someone she was friends with. I thought it rather strange that someone would be offended by the simple question that was asked, on a social network where she (the New mom) could socially interact with her network. Just a thought...a social network is ...made up of the people that I know-that you may know-that I want to know and be social with. It is not a church service, a public television broadcast or an entertainment venue for small children. And while sometimes there are words used, thoughts shared and ideas expressed that I do not agree with, I hear, see and experience those same things everytime I go to Walmart--ie refer to the peolple of Walmart.com--last night for example, while looking for vitamins with and for my 3 year old granddaughter--and my daughter, a herd of boys(vaguely disguised as young men) came loudly barreling down the aisle we were on and using language that many would find offensive. Not really appropriate for a shopping trip with a three year old. My space was invaded and our ears subject to their loud and careless verbal vomit and I was somewhat offended--for just a second. The number of things I could have done were many, but what I decided to do was honor their freedom of speech, no matter how rude, calous and inconsiderate I thought it to be, and remind Maddie, that she can chose better words. Now I don't set out to correct their behavior or demean them when they dont seem to care or even consider what I think of them, I do however feel like life is too short to ever chose to be or stay offended. I love the interaction on MY wall, I adore those in my social network...and I chose to keep sharing thoughts, reading notes and interacting with all the amazing people who have been added to my network! "nuff said.
Here were the comments after my little turn on the soap box...
Christina Miller Mikeska~~
I know what you are referring to Pammee and I totally agree....those comments were ridiculous!!!! She had every right to post what she did wasn't offensive at all!!!!
Crystal Dudley
Well said Pam... I agree!!
Brianne Snider
THANK YOU PAMMEE!! Is it not ok and totally natural for a new mom to ask questions about breast feeding?? I couldnt believe it started a war on my fb! And my family were the ones offended by my questions! Some people are much more modest than i am but after laying on a table naked and being cut wide open to bring my child into the world, i feel i have all right to openly talk about something as natural as breast feeding! I love you ladies and appreciate your support!! Cant wait for yall to meet prince charming!!!
Pamela Smith Masters
I tell everyone who is my friend that I speak my mind, share what I feel led to and will always, always, always see my wall as my place for personal expression. So if at any time they feel what I share is not to their liking, there doesnt really need to be any drama and I sure don't need them to counsel me on my etiquet, ON MY OWN WALL!!!! The strangest comments have always been about me being too positive...go figure??~~ You keep reaching out to those who care about you Bri...and ask whatever you feel will help you as you navigate parenthood...sure wish those little ones came with an operations manual!!!
So the post that she had made just so you know was to the MOMs on HER wall, that could give her a little counsel for some issues she was expeirencing with BREASTFEEDING!! I know right? You are just as shocked as me right? Seriously, and to find out the person who was offended was in her family--wow, just wow.
What kind of online world are we coming to when you cannot even ask the people who have agreed to be your friends, and by all accounts should have some knowledge and understanding about the things you will probably post on YOUR WALL, a simple question about something as natural as BREASTFEEDING??
I cannot even tell you the number of times I have seen questions asked that although a bit humorous, I would have rather not seen them on my wall...but hey I have some pretty interesting friends so serves me right. BUT BREASTFEEDING???
Any way--it lead me to think a little more about us older folks and why we don't seem to grasp the whole ONLINE thing anyway.
Ok...so here it is. ONLINE life has taken our little back yard(which we don't really use much anymore) fence conversations(which don't really happen much anymore because everyone has an 8ft tall privacy fence) and given them new life and breath. We can read(listen) to each neighbor, or just those we want to hear today. We can catch up on news, and never even have to wait until 5,6 or 10. (Oh just make sure you google and check your sources before you share or repeat--LOL fair warning!!) Oh and by the way Bon Jovi is NOT dead!!
Not only that--INTERNET it has given us the opportunity to learn more than many of us ever thought we could. Our world is truely large these days, but it gets a little smaller every day when we can make friends in other countries without ever even standing in line all day to get a passport, or loading up our credit cards for those huge airline tickets to go and meet someone in Australia. Now that is not to say after we have met everyone who can add a little somthing to our lives that we cannot then get that passport, buy that $2000 (if you are going both ways) airline ticket and visit our new friends...it just means that we don't have to wait until then. We don't have to travel to the next seminar on breastfeeding, or sit in the Dr's office for an hour so they can tell us just ask your mom and her friends what to do about enlarged and tender breasts.
Ok...so here is the long and breast of it. Your wall wiggles and intersects around with my wall if you hit the accept button when I asked if you wanted to be FACEBOOk friends. That means you can see what I post, unless I think it might piss you off and block you from that one...but for the most part you can see what I write, and likewise I can see yours. IT is NOT a public broadcast like a television show. It is not being shown up on the big screen some where and since most people aren't even allowed to use their FACEBOOK at work, the question about BREASTFEEDING will not be up on your screen when your boss comes in your office. You can share as much or as little as you like. You can use foul language or post pretty prose if you prefer. YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR WALL WHAT---EVVVERRRR you choose. IT'S YOURS. Likewise mine is mine...if you don't like my wisdom, wit and warm fuzzies...please feel free to block, delete or otherwise remove my disturbing positivity from your online life.
Ok...so I think the count is like 800#####MILLION people who are online and using accounts actively on FACEBOOK! DID you see that? Tell your old farts and family members they are missing out on where every one is sharing if they do not have an account. And just for the record, my internet has been hacked several times, and my computer has experienced a worm or two, survived a virus and a few other interseting little doses of stupid from those people who want to find someway to hack into my world...see everyone does want to be me, or you, or anyone but who they are. As far as I know the world is still turning, I still have computer, my bank account is fairly secure...nto much money in there anyways, and our online lives although tinged with a bit of drama now and then are relatively safe. It's actually more safe than real life. Because when those people that slipped in without me knowing much about them, and I begin to see signs of abnomral, abject, and offensive posts---breastfeeding not included, I can take steps to limit their access to my online life. Pretty safe if you ask me...now that is not to say that a good face to face come to Jesus meeting is still called for from time to time, but most folks who need to be deleted wouldn't really get anything out of that expenditure of energy anyway. I will save my words for those who want to read them..IE~~the ones who have decided to inter~twingle with my wall!
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